The Tcehbuyer Observer

Put Reuse at the Heart of Your
Digital Transformation

Have you explored life cycle thinking in your IT systems design?

From IT procurement to maintenance and disposal, IT life cycle thinking ensures that you get the most out of your technology, including reduced costs and high-performance capabilities.

The Rundown on Life Cycle Thinking
in the IT Sector

Unlock the opportunities within your technology through IT life cycle thinking. With a shift in mindset your IT hardware can be used to its full potential, maximising your budget and accelerating performance.


Explore the full IT life cycle here to find out EXACTLY what it can do for you:

Life Cycle Thinking and Sustainable Packaging

Life cycle thinking can be applied to all areas of business function and operation. For example, at Techbuyer we aim to create more circular practices around our packaging solutions to reduce the impact of our operations on the planet.

Learn more about Techbuyer's efforts and how you can implement sustainable packaging methods by downloading your FREE copy of our white paper, Circular Packaging Solutions:

We Have Some Exciting News...

In the interest of expanding life cycle thinking to new areas, business and sectors, Techbuyer is launching IEMA accredited sustainability training to businesses throughout the UK!

Figures show that employees want to take an active role in growing sustainability practices within their organisation and 32% of employees will only work for a company that prioritises sustainability.

This is why we offer IEMA accredited sustainability training to all employees and we are now extending this training out to any individual or business with an interest in applying environmental best practice to their operations.

Find out more about our IEMA certified sustainability training courses and the benefits for your company here: