Update your hardware to Windows 11 Compatiblity

On 14th October 2025, Windows will cease providing security updates and technical support for Windows 10. This will have a significant impact on businesses across the planet, and understanding what this means for you and your business is vital to taking the correct course of action.

Will My Device Still Work?

In short, yes. After 14th October 2025, you will still be able to use a device running Windows 10, but you will no longer receive updates or assisted support. This means that you could technically ignore this end of support date and keep using the same device, but you would be putting your information and systems at risk.  
The longer you use Windows 10 without security updates, the further you fall behind the current generation. Ignoring the problem exposes you to a plethora of security threats, and the longer you wait, the higher the risk. This can mean personal information being leaked and serious IT security breaches for your business among other issues.

So, Can I Just Update My Device?

This is the main concern for a lot of Windows 10 users. Microsoft suggests that you simply move to Microsoft 11, but due to the compatibility requirements that the newer system requires, many devices are blocked from making the all-important switch. 
Microsoft announced that they will offer paid security updates for Windows 10, but this only delays the inevitable, and due to the price being on a ‘per machine’ basis it can quickly become more than it's worth.

What Do I Do?

This current situation puts a lot of individuals and businesses in a difficult position. They are unable to update their current hardware to Windows 11, and the prospect of having to pay a premium for security updates is not appealing. It leaves many with seemingly only one choice – replace their hardware with compatible options. 
Undertaking a complete update of your IT infrastructure can be a daunting process, but the sooner you make the decision the better. Demand for compatible devices will begin to increase over the course of the next year and a half, so acting as soon as possible will help avoid any potential stress. 
At Techbuyer, we offer end-to-end IT solutions, and can provide an infrastructure design bespoke to you. No matter what you are looking for, we can assist. 

What do I do with My Redundant Devices?

The widespread transition into updated hardware leads us to a significant potential consequence – Vast quantities of e-waste. Estimates suggest that roughly 20% of devices will become e-waste due to incompatibility with Windows 11- that’s around 240 million PCs. This does not need to be the case. 
At Techbuyer we have a zero-to-landfill policy, meaning that any hardware we receive will be either reused or recycled. Recycling is always the last resort for us, but it does still have its benefits. We can extract valuable materials, such as gold, reducing the demand for raw material mining. Ideally all devices would be reused, but if this is not possible then recycling is the next best thing. 
If you are planning on moving to Windows 11, you can sell your IT equipment to us and maximise your refresh budget. We can also help perform one of the most important aspects of an IT refresh – data sanitistion. Our IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) team offer a highly accredited data erasing process that can give you peace of mind during your transition.

If you are looking to make the move to Windows 11 compatible devices, we have a range of refurbished laptops currently in stock or you can contact us at uk-sales@techbuyer.com for more bespoke solutions. We are also partnered with market-leading vendors including HPE, meaning we can get the most competitive price possible on enterprise hardware. You can also learn more about the differences between Windows 10 and Windows 11 here as well as the Windows 11 requirements to help you better prepare for the switch.