Net Zero, Not Carbon Neutral

Emissions of greenhouse gases like CO2 must be levelled off if we’re going to bring climate change under control, and achieving Net Zero is the only way to do that.

Net Zero is achieved when emissions are reduced as low as possible, with the remainder offset via carbon-capture schemes. This is different from Carbon Neutrality, which can be achieved simply by offsetting all emissions with no reductions. Relying on offsetting alone is unsustainable, because there can never be enough vegetation to offset our current emissions.

Global Shift

59 Countries – including the US – have are committed to reaching Net Zero (mostly by 2050) with another 69 countries working on similar plans. These legally binding pledges mean every organization – regardless of its size – will also need to be Net Zero.

Our Journey to Net Zero

We’re charting our own path to Net Zero.

The key challenge is data. You need a few years’ carbon footprint measurements to set realistic and robust reductions targets. We are building a bank of this information across our global offices.

We’ll use this data to set science-based reductions targets in line with available standards and certifications.


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